President Messages | HITS
Board of Director Messages

Dear Our Most Valued Shareholders and Stakeholders,

We express our gratitude to our God Almighty for His grace and guidance, the Company can overcome various challenges in 2023. Amidst a dynamic external situation, we are moving to seek positive growth through various plans and strategies to achieve the best performance. We, as Directors of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. will present the Directors’ report regarding the Company’s strategy and strategic policies, the role of the Directors in strategy formulation and implementation, management of the Company, including the sustainability performance carried out by the Company throughout 2023.

In 2023, HITS posted a consolidated profit for the year of US$9.24 million, down 18.09% compared to the previous year of US$11.28 million. Meanwhile, the Company’s revenue was recorded at US$112.47 million, and vessel rental services contributed the highest revenue at US$139.33 million or 123.88%, followed by crew management services and other services. Overall, total assets increased 18.22% to US$271.82 million compared to the previous year of US$229.92 million. The strengthening of performance achieved by the Company cannot be separated from the support of various parties, including consumer trust in using Humpuss Intermoda Group services.

The Board of Directors is committed to maximizing its resources for a better growth in the future. Therefore, HITS will continue to strive to achieve progress through the existing business model, as well as continuing determined earlier. The Board of Directors remains optimistic and committed to recovery efforts and has set realistic targets for increasing operating revenues and current year profits for the coming year, supported by various planned initiatives and strategies.

With various challenges from the global economy, the Company should respond to the rapid changes that occur in order to continue to have a competitive advantage. The Company takes advantage of every opportunity to achieve its business targets, and continues to respond to every change by making adjustments quickly and efficiently.

First, the Company seeks to encourage gradual business improvement and development, through optimizing the vessel assets owned by the Company, it is expected to encourage profitability and record revenue according to the targets set. The process of adding more vessels is also carried out with the consideration regarding business growth and development strategy which can increase market share, revenue, and net profit, and also bring a positive contribution to HITS’ consolidated financial performance.

The second strategy, namely cost management by implementing various initiatives related to efficiency, simplifying work processes, optimizing operational costs, and setting capital expenditure priorities by investing in aspects that drive revenue growth.

The third strategy is to strengthen the organization through organizational alignment orientating towards effective business processes and qualified Human Resources (HR). The company also strengthens digitalization to precisely monitor process in the field. Digitalization is developed through the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in subsidiaries.

Apart from those various initiatives above, PT Humpuss Maritim Internasional Tbk (HUMI) as one of HITS’s subsidiaries has officially listed its initial shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Jakarta, on August 9, 2023, with ticker code HUMI, focusing on energy distribution and port ecosystems.

In 2024, Indonesia will face another challenge with the presidential and legislative election. Political and economic uncertainty will influence consumer investment and spending decisions. In addition, the increase in global food and energy prices, as well as the weakening of the Rupiah against the US Dollar, can cause the rising price of imported goods and increase production costs for the Company.

The company is optimistic that the economic conditions and maritime industry next year will be able to bring HITS to repeat its success in overcoming challenging times to provide broad benefits for us, including for HITS shareholders.

Implementation of Good Corporate Governance

The development of the business world and increasingly competitive business competition requires the Company to work harder to improve performance, develop innovation, and expand its business in order to survive and compete to achieve the Company’s vision and mission. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is an important aspect that must be carried out by companies in facing these challenges. The implementation of GCG principles can improve business performance and maintain long-term company sustainability.

The Company is committed to implementing GCG optimally and effectively in all business activities. In 2023, the Board of Directors continued to improve the implementation of governance in line with statutory regulations and good governance best practices. This is reflected in the Company’s business activities which always run transparently and cleanly.

Sustainability Strategy

In carrying out its commitment to sustainability, the Company focuses on social responsibility activities that are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and supports Government programs in the social and environmental fields. Over a period of more than 25 years, the Company has grown together with the company’s sustainability values to provide benefits by providing the best, professionalism and integrity. Based on its values and culture, the Company always implements a code of ethics which guides company personnel in interacting with stakeholders and ensuring the business is run in accordance with the values, culture, and code of ethics.

The Company’s commitment to fulfilling Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) is carried out by targeting the triple bottom line. All business and operational activities carried out by the Company are not only focused on making a profit but also on fulfilling the preservation of the environment (planet) and the welfare of society (people). In an effort to support the implementation of this commitment, the Company has prepared a Sustainability Road Map valid for the 2021-2025 period which will serve as a guideline for the Company and its subsidiaries to manage their business activities based on their mission, namely to provide added value for Stakeholders in a sustainable manner. In general, this sustainability policy is realized through:

  1. The provision of quality and competitive products and services that comply with the principles of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) with Zero Accident international standards.
  2. Preserve the marine ecosystem by eliminating oil spills during ship operations.
  3. Improving the quality of human resources through education and training.
  4. Carrying out sustainable operations and business by complying with applicable regulations and inviting participation from stakeholders.

Closing Statement

We, as the Board of Directors of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. would like to thank the Board of Commissioners for providing direction, input, and opinions that can encourage the Company’s growth. We would also send our gratitude to Shareholders and stakeholders for the support and trust they have given, helping the Company to run its business management. We also express our thanks and highest appreciation to all employees and crews who have been dedicated to carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities.

We hope that cooperation, trust, and support from the Board of Commissioners, Shareholders and all stakeholders can to bring the Company to a better and leading position and achievements in the future.








Dear Our Most Valued Shareholders and Stakeholders,

We express our gratitude to our God Almighty for His grace and guidance, the Company can overcome various challenges in 2023. Amidst a dynamic external situation, we are moving to seek positive growth through various plans and strategies to achieve the best performance. We, as Directors of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. will present the Directors’ report regarding the Company’s strategy and strategic policies, the role of the Directors in strategy formulation and implementation, management of the Company, including the sustainability performance carried out by the Company throughout 2023.

In 2023, HITS posted a consolidated profit for the year of US$9.24 million, down 18.09% compared to the previous year of US$11.28 million. Meanwhile, the Company’s revenue was recorded at US$112.47 million, and vessel rental services contributed the highest revenue at US$139.33 million or 123.88%, followed by crew management services and other services. Overall, total assets increased 18.22% to US$271.82 million compared to the previous year of US$229.92 million. The strengthening of performance achieved by the Company cannot be separated from the support of various parties, including consumer trust in using Humpuss Intermoda Group services.

The Board of Directors is committed to maximizing its resources for a better growth in the future. Therefore, HITS will continue to strive to achieve progress through the existing business model, as well as continuing determined earlier. The Board of Directors remains optimistic and committed to recovery efforts and has set realistic targets for increasing operating revenues and current year profits for the coming year, supported by various planned initiatives and strategies.

With various challenges from the global economy, the Company should respond to the rapid changes that occur in order to continue to have a competitive advantage. The Company takes advantage of every opportunity to achieve its business targets, and continues to respond to every change by making adjustments quickly and efficiently.

First, the Company seeks to encourage gradual business improvement and development, through optimizing the vessel assets owned by the Company, it is expected to encourage profitability and record revenue according to the targets set. The process of adding more vessels is also carried out with the consideration regarding business growth and development strategy which can increase market share, revenue, and net profit, and also bring a positive contribution to HITS’ consolidated financial performance.

The second strategy, namely cost management by implementing various initiatives related to efficiency, simplifying work processes, optimizing operational costs, and setting capital expenditure priorities by investing in aspects that drive revenue growth.

The third strategy is to strengthen the organization through organizational alignment orientating towards effective business processes and qualified Human Resources (HR). The company also strengthens digitalization to precisely monitor process in the field. Digitalization is developed through the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in subsidiaries.

Apart from those various initiatives above, PT Humpuss Maritim Internasional Tbk (HUMI) as one of HITS’s subsidiaries has officially listed its initial shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Jakarta, on August 9, 2023, with ticker code HUMI, focusing on energy distribution and port ecosystems.

In 2024, Indonesia will face another challenge with the presidential and legislative election. Political and economic uncertainty will influence consumer investment and spending decisions. In addition, the increase in global food and energy prices, as well as the weakening of the Rupiah against the US Dollar, can cause the rising price of imported goods and increase production costs for the Company.

The company is optimistic that the economic conditions and maritime industry next year will be able to bring HITS to repeat its success in overcoming challenging times to provide broad benefits for us, including for HITS shareholders.

Implementation of Good Corporate Governance

The development of the business world and increasingly competitive business competition requires the Company to work harder to improve performance, develop innovation, and expand its business in order to survive and compete to achieve the Company’s vision and mission. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is an important aspect that must be carried out by companies in facing these challenges. The implementation of GCG principles can improve business performance and maintain long-term company sustainability.

The Company is committed to implementing GCG optimally and effectively in all business activities. In 2023, the Board of Directors continued to improve the implementation of governance in line with statutory regulations and good governance best practices. This is reflected in the Company’s business activities which always run transparently and cleanly.

Sustainability Strategy

In carrying out its commitment to sustainability, the Company focuses on social responsibility activities that are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and supports Government programs in the social and environmental fields. Over a period of more than 25 years, the Company has grown together with the company’s sustainability values to provide benefits by providing the best, professionalism and integrity. Based on its values and culture, the Company always implements a code of ethics which guides company personnel in interacting with stakeholders and ensuring the business is run in accordance with the values, culture, and code of ethics.

The Company’s commitment to fulfilling Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) is carried out by targeting the triple bottom line. All business and operational activities carried out by the Company are not only focused on making a profit but also on fulfilling the preservation of the environment (planet) and the welfare of society (people). In an effort to support the implementation of this commitment, the Company has prepared a Sustainability Road Map valid for the 2021-2025 period which will serve as a guideline for the Company and its subsidiaries to manage their business activities based on their mission, namely to provide added value for Stakeholders in a sustainable manner. In general, this sustainability policy is realized through:

  1. The provision of quality and competitive products and services that comply with the principles of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) with Zero Accident international standards.
  2. Preserve the marine ecosystem by eliminating oil spills during ship operations.
  3. Improving the quality of human resources through education and training.
  4. Carrying out sustainable operations and business by complying with applicable regulations and inviting participation from stakeholders.

Closing Statement

We, as the Board of Directors of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. would like to thank the Board of Commissioners for providing direction, input, and opinions that can encourage the Company’s growth. We would also send our gratitude to Shareholders and stakeholders for the support and trust they have given, helping the Company to run its business management. We also express our thanks and highest appreciation to all employees and crews who have been dedicated to carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities.

We hope that cooperation, trust, and support from the Board of Commissioners, Shareholders and all stakeholders can to bring the Company to a better and leading position and achievements in the future.








Board of Director Messages