Jakarta, - For the umpteenth time PT Humpuss Intermoda Transport Tbk (PT HIT Tbk) provide assistance in the form of scholarships. The event was held, on Thursday (2/9) are the regular activities that are held once every six months, was given sons and daughters of employees who were high-achieving in their school. Students who elect gathered together in a family atmosphere and was attended by all management of PT HIT Tbk, and subsidiaries PT Humpuss Transportasi Kimia (PT HTK) and PT Humpuss Transportasi Curah (PT HTC).
"Providing aid and scholarships is the company's commitment to employees to help his son and daughter in realizing his ideals," said Krisnamoerti Bagoes, President Director PT HIT Tbk. "Do not see the value, but the familial bond that will continue our watch, and share a sense," he added. The scholarship activity is one of the program activities of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) companies in terms of education.
Twenty-nine scholars from elementary, junior high and high school this year appears to look cheerful when they receive these scholarships. Criteria of the scholarship that were determined by the company, in part: 1. Employee of land and sea must have good performance; 2. Foe employee’s of the sea should be join with PT HIT Tbk and subsidiaries at least 2 (two) years or 3 (three) times in the ship; 3. average score of children who submitted a minimum of seven for all levels; and 4. fill in the form of scholarships have been provided.
After filling in the forms provided, it can be submitted to the Department of Public Relations for further processing. The scholarships are awarded in cash for tuition fees one semester with a total value of Rp. 1.000.000, - for Elementary School, Rp. 1.500.000, - for Junior High School and Rp. 2.000.000, - for Senior High School.
"I am very happy with the existence of this scholarship program, because with this money I could buy new school supplies" said one of the recipients. Children are the future generation who will determine the future fate of the nation. The children are well supervised and given appropriate education is a valuable asset. (PR)