Ramadhan , became the month of social program activities that are routinely performed by all companies in Indonesia. At HITS, this year is titled "I Need You, Ramadan. Race of Sharing and Pursuit of Redemption ", for a whole month the entire HITS Group employees embodied a moment of togetherness with a series of activities that emphasized the continued maintenance of mutual love, help, assemble and share the joys together.
Various social events are held in this holy month, starting from HITS Group, One Book One Employee, gathering 588 donation books from HITS Group employees, from storybooks, textbooks all distributed to orphaned siblings, donations with the minimum amount of Rp. 20 thousand done every Friday by every employee, distributed fairly and equitably to the orphan-siblings who took time to attend the event Santunan. Alhamdulillah, in sya allah what donated by HITS Group employees sincerely, given reward by Allah SWT.
Not only limited to the above event, routinely after every dzuhur prayer, da'wah was conducted by inviting ustadz who provide Islamic studies related to the world of work, for 1 hour of work break.
Not less interesting, 1,500 packs of Free Tajil on the Road, distributed to motorists/ motor cycle drivers passing the Granadi Building. In this event, the enthusiasm of employees is quite high, although working hours up to 16.00 hours, but they waited patiently for the hour of free tajil distribution, ahead of the adzan maghrib.
The "I Need You Ramadhan" celebration took place at Parangkusumo Room Granadi Building on 5 June 2018. The event was attended by Mr. Budi Haryono, President Director of HITS, Mr. Taufik Agustono, Director of HITS, HITS Board of Commissioners, Mr. Theo Lekatompessy and Mr. Arief Rudianto, HITS Group employees, and 200 orphaned brothers from 4 foundations spread across Jakarta and Bekasi.
Mr. Budi said that the Company is proud of the series of activities organized by employees who share the time between work and social activities, all actively involved in the success of this social event. Pak Budi believes that the concern and involvement of the HITS Group in the social activities of society, will give more value to the company as a social responsibility for the surrounding environment.
In the event, in addition of cash provided by the the foundation, the Company also provided school supplies for all orphaned children attended, handed over directly by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of HITS. "We hope that the provision of aid can help the orphans to be able to continue to learn and develop themselves as human beings and useful for the nation and religion," said Pak Budi.
With great joy and innocence they answered whatever was asked by us. Moreover, the boisterous lecture delivered by Ustadz Ridwan Mukri, united us with the orphans and also with the theme of "Ramadan Loving".
Their gaze as they shake hands and say thank you, touched their hearts, they look sincere and pure.
Fasting not only fulfills the obligation to endure hunger and thirst. But it also becomes a necessity. Self-need to be a pious person, a person capable of sharing and a person who has a million love for each other.
This holy month, is a perfect time to share happiness with younger siblings who have no father or mother, and some even do not have both. Sharing does not make us less, but Allah will always give and keep rizki for us. As long as we do it with a sense of love and sincerity.
Hoping with the blessings that multiply in the month of Ramadan , and the prayers of orphaned children, may be a charitable field and provide blessings for the progress of HITS Group in the future.