Jakarta, - Do a lot of good deeds to get the reward and blessing from Allah SWT in the month of Ramadhan. Titled "Wonderful Ramadhan, Let’s Spread Our Love and Tenderness", this year’s Ramadhan activity are a little bit different than usual because of the Covid-19 pandemic which is happening currently. By continue doing physical distancing and PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) rules, HITS employees continue doing a series of sharing activities, but still limited.
"Although unlike previous years, we package this year’s Ramadhan activity through a special mapping, only sharing with the surrounding community in the head office area, Granadi," said Okty Saptarini, HITS Corporate Secretary. Ramadhan is the best month to share, moreover it is known that there are many people who don't get income, this is our priority, added Okty.
The series of activities itself consists of:
- Khatam Al Qur’an online by employees during the month of Ramadhan.
- Donation Friday Barokah Employees which is given to the Mosque and the Ulama who are close to HITS, also to the Orphan Foundation.
- Free Tajil on The Road which is given to motorbike riders especially ojek riders.
- Ramadhan Donation to 125 orphan kids from 5 foundations, in the Greater Jakarta area.
- Basic food packaged consists of rice, vegetable oil, sugar and fast food are distributed to the communities around Granadi area through Al Barokah Mosque.
"The iftar together event between employees and orphans which usually held, also the medium between management and employees and also orphans was canceled," Okty said, because the condition was not allowed us to do it.
"We hope that the Basic Food Packaged we give could help the community to fill their basic needs during the month of Ramadhan," added Okty. "Although it is a little bit different from the previous years, we hope that" Wonderful Ramadhan "will provide positive benefits to the surrounding community. "Together we hope that this pandemic will end soon and the community will continue to be healthy and greet the Victory Day with joy," concluded by Okty. (osm)