Jakarta, October 18th 2021. PT MCS Internasional (MCSI), the subsidiary of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (IDX: HITS) along with Trilogi University and Ikatan Komunitas Perwira Pelayaran Niaga Indonesia (IKPPNI) together created recognition of prior learning (RPL) to improve the Competency Equalization of Commercial Shipping Seafarers. The program will be started on October 29th 2021, at Trilogi University campus, in Jakarta.
“Before the first day of a class began, we held a discussion between the academics and practitioner, through Lighthouse for Seafarers with the topic “Recognize Your Competence, Seafarers!”,”Johan Novitrian, MCSI Director, said. The discussion will be held by virtual zoom in Jakarta, on Monday (18/10).
The discussion will be attended by, Kemal Imam Santoso, President Director of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk., Prof. Dr. Ir. Arissetyanto Nugroho, M.M. Chief Foundation of YPPIJ, with keynote from Prof. Intan Ahmad Ph.D, an educational figure.
The speakers, starting from the academics and practitioner that are professional seafarers, are Capt. Dwiyono a Chief of IKPPNI, Dr. Mochammad Mukti Ali, ST., MM., Vice Chancellor of Inaba University and President Director of Marketing & Management Academy, and Rahindra Bayu K., M.Si, Lecturer of Politeknik Maritim Negeri Semarang.
“We, from HITS Group, felt proud that participant has chance to improve their skill to become more credible. Today, as a part of history, Trilogi University and business group of HITS, building maritime education in Indonesia,” Mr. Kemal, HITS President Director, said. “Pull knowledge, pull experience. That’s our initiative to support Indonesian economy. We don’t talk but we work,” Mr. Kemal added.
This collaboration will become a benchmark, the synergy of private company and academics sector. HITS committed to manage a corporation based on Environment, Social & Governance (ESG). “It’s the social pillar that is giving a chance for the youth of Indonesia to have a career in maritime field” Mr. Kemal said.
“The vast expanse of Indonesia’s maritime territory requires Indonesian human resources that aren’t small. Data from the Ministry of Transportation in 2018 states that the needs for maritime human resources reached 15 thousand people. That number continues to increase every year. Even though the availability of the number of maritime human resources is only 21 percent of the needs, “ Prof Aris said.
It means Indonesia still needs more human resources and its development that’s supported by education infrastructure and competent expert are the main requirements that must be considered, Prof Aris added.
“Transformation that continues to develop nowadays, must be followed by the competence of the working people. In order to survive, we need people who are ready to adapt. The speed of transformation on the outside, not in line with the speed of Education,” Prof Intan said.
Everyone needs to update, the knowledge that already achieved, won’t last long. It’s not easy, yet it’s the reality that we must face. If not, we will be left behind. What the future holds for the seafarer? The lack of skilled seafarer. Updating can be obtained at the workplace.
“The challenge is, contribution of human capital investment,” Capt. Dwiyono, Chief of IKPPNI, said. Mostly, seafarer on average already has control on the ship technically. “Training or familiarization, needs to be documented in a good way,” Capt. Dwiyono added. The experience of Chief needs to be documented. For degree, related to Master in Management, Merchant Maritime Specialist (MMS) is the one that will be acknowledged by the state.
“Learning achievement, doesn’t only come from school, it can also be achieved from various ways,” , Dr. Mochammad Mukti Ali, ST., MM., Vice Chancellor of Inaba University and President Director of Marketing & Management Academy, said. “The first recognition of prior learning (RPL), is just available in Trilogi University,” Dr. Mukti said.
“The presence of Trilogi University, is to give degree for each of RPL participants. The concept of RPL is being adopted. The seafarers who want to be recognized, come to Trilogi University,” Dr. Mukti added.
“Once they got recognized, the knowledge can be equated. If somebody has worked at Oil & Gas company, their experience can be equated, so it will be easier to reach managerial position,” Mr. Rahindra Bayu K., M.Si, who also had experience in RPL and now has become the Lecturer in Politeknik Maritim Negeri Semarang, said. “RPL is the way,” Mr. Bayu added.
“We know that commercial seafarers have not received qualification recognition from the state, because they are considered learning from a non-formal environment (non-DIKTI),” Johan said. Meanwhile, in shipping companies, a seafarer who will work at the office isn’t only expert at technical skill, but also must have managerial skill that’s compatible with human resources in a company.
“This opportunity is caught by MCSI, by collaborating with Trilogi University and IKPPNI to equalize the competence of Commercial Seafarers,” Johan added.
PT MCS Internasional
PT MCS Internasional is one of the subsidiary of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. that provides trained Indonesian ship crew including Ship Captain, Chief Engineer, Commissioned Officer, and Non-Commissioned Officer Ship Crew (Rating) for internal needs of HITS as well as external companies. MCSI is a market leader from 160 manning agency that registered in Indonesia for types of commercial ships and has met the certification required by MLC 2010.
Beside providing trained and reliable ship crew, MCSI also trained the ship crew through certified training required in IMO Model Course dan Seafarer Training and Certification of Watchkeeping that granted a license by the Ministry of Sea Transportation, as well as other non-STCW trainings to improve the capabilities of ship crews and also Company superintendents, under the control of the Humpuss Trilogy Maritime Training Centre (HTMTC), in collaboration with Trilogi University.
Trilogi University
Trilogi University is a development of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Keuangan dan Perbankan Indonesia (STEKPI), that established in 1988, under Yayasan Pengembangan Pendidikan Indonesia Jakarta (YPPIJ). Trilogi University has 13 study programs, 5 study programs are continuation of STEKPI, and 8 new study programs.
Ikatan Korps Perwira Pelayaran Niaga Indonesia was established by alumni as practitioners of Commercial Shipping Officers as the embodiment of the pure desire and noble desire of its members, who declare to unite themselves in an effort to develop the noble maritime profession in Indonesia in general and the dignity of members in particular.
Ikatan Korps Perwira Pelayaran Niaga Indonesia invites, guides, and guards generations of Commercial Shipping Officers as the nation's successors who care and are proud of the dignity of maritime identity and lead to maritime glory in the archipelago and the world.