HITS should have seriously paid attention in Human Resources because the success of the Company is established by the quality of its human resources. The Human Resources which have excellent skill, focus, high dedication and good responsibility are the decisive factors that should be fulfilled by employee at HITS.
For crew, HITS always consistently arrange job training on board is routinely performed and kept continuously in order to regenerate and enhance the crew’s ability. 80% are listed as seafearers. In this regard, the company has carried out the Joint Working Agreement with Indonesian Seafarers Union (KPI) to regulate the functioning of the company with the sailors, among others, set the scale of salaries, working time, the rights and obligations of the sailors to the company and vice versa. On the other hand, the Agreement of Sea Employment, which binds between the sailors and the company applies between 6 months to 1 year and its endorsement by Syahbandar.