Profile Corporate Secretary | HITS

Indonesian citizen, lives in Jakarta. He Appointed as corporate secretary on October 27, 2023 based on SK No.048/SK/DU-HIT/2023 regarding Corporate Secretary position.

He Graduated bachelor’s degree from University of Indonesia and Master’s degree in Sharia Banking and Finance at the school of Business Management ITB 2016. 

He started his career at Assurance Auditor at Ernts & Young (1997), Accounting Manager at PT Bina Nusa Rama (McDonald's Indonesia), Head of Internal Audit at PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (2017) SVP Head of Internal Audit Department at Inalum Operating PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Persero) (2021), and he served as Chief of Internal Audit in PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. for 2 period.

Dhany Ardiansyah-Corporate Secretary