Signing of MOU between MISI with PT Informasi Teknologi Indonesia | HITS

Signing of MOU between MISI with PT Informasi Teknologi Indonesia

published on : 2021, December 24

Jakarta, December 22nd 2021. To get through the future challenges of the pandemic, HITS is committed getting through it with digital transformation. “Today, the momentum for us, witnessed by the stakeholders, shareholders, investors, internal employees, the public and the media, Humpuss Intermoda through its subsidiary, PT Misi Hutama Internasional (MISI), closes the year of 2021 by proudly cooperating with PT Information Technology Indonesia or known as Jatis Mobile,” Kemal said.


Jatis Mobile, which has been active in the field of information technology, both consumer and corporate markets, has a collaborative synergy with MISI to provide added value to the ecosystem built by the two companies. “We believe that with this collaboration, MISI will be connected to all aspects of the network owned by Jatis,” Kemal added optimistically.


MISI's cooperation with Jatis is in the form of integrated maritime service digitization, crew management digitization, past learning recognition, crew competency database & certification, and user digitalization to support MISI's needs.


Adrianus Yose Hartono, Technology Director of Jatis Mobile stated, “Jatis Mobile Group is ready to collaborate in the digitization process of Humpuss Intermoda Group with the best commitment. With experience in handling more than 10,000 projects and having the best talent developers, we hope that this digitization process will be successful in providing benefits to the Humpuss Intermoda Group stakeholders and of course additional valuable experience for the Jatis Mobile Group.”