HITS Received the Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award from Warta Ekonomi | HITS

HITS Received the Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award from Warta Ekonomi

published on : 2020, September 27

Jakarta, - PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (HITS) was awarded the TOP 5 CSR for Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020, in Category Infrastructures, Utilities, Transportations, Transportation Subsector. This award was given virtually at the Indonesia CSRxPKBL Award 2020 "Prosperity, Humanity, and Sustainability" through the virtual Zoom Meeting on September 23, 2020


This award was given by the CEO & Chief Editor of wartaekonomi.co.id, Muhamad Ihsan to the Director of HITS, Mr. Sutiyarso. The event was also attended by the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) RI, Juliari Batubara and the Founder & President Commissioner of Warta Ekonomi, Fadel Muhammad.


This award is intended for HITS, due to the use of local labour. With the company operational area which is engaged in energy distribution and maritime that is not limited by regencies or provinces, it can be said that HITS currently employs 100% of Indonesian workers.


“Currently, all vessels owned by the Company are operated by Indonesian citizens. This program is known as the Indonesianization which has been done since 2010, "said Sutiyarso, Director of HITS. On September 8, 2011, for the first time, the control of LNGC Ekaputra was handed over from Japanese captain to the first Indonesian LNG captain, he added.


This program has an impact on the increasing number of Indonesian professionals whose working in the maritime sector and can support the Government program in an effort to reduce unemployment. In addition, the use of local labour can smooth the operations with easier communication between employees.


The Warta Ekonomi research team analysed HITS corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance from annual report of 2019 which has been published. Then, the data in the annual report was processed by Warta Ekonomi research team


The weights differ from one another, 20% for Corporate Financial Performance (CFP), 40% for Social Performance, and 40% for Environmental Performance. Later on, the company with a final score close to 3 is the company with the best corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance according to Warta Ekonomi.