Jakarta - Economic Review Magazine and Indonesia-Asia Institute and IPMI International Business School again held the Indonesia Finance Award-I-2018 and the Indonesian TBK Corporate Award-V-2018 on Wednesday, September 19 2018.
In this event, HITS also won 2 awards as the 1st The Best Indonesian Public Company Indonesia 2018 in the Finance - Transportation sector and The Best CFO 2018 categories for Mr. Budi Haryono, HITS President Director at the 2018 IFA event. the fifth APTI 2018 and HITS have been named as Companies with Sustainable Growth, Transportation Companies Tbk - Best in Indonesia - 2018, for the Infrastructure, Utilities & Transportation sector Tbk.
Awards received on the eve of the IV / 2018 Quarter, giving new spirit to HITS, appreciation and recognition given to Indonesia's best companies in finance and within the scope of the Public Company by the Juries, consisting of experts and practitioners from various institutions, such as Economic Review , Indonesia-Asia Institute , Perbanas Institute and IPMI International Business School.
The IFA and APTI 2018 winners have been selected based on the company's Financial Performance Assessment as of December 2017, using the method of calculating and analyzing data obtained from various published data sources. Increased achievements, and important role of HITS in the development of the national economy, through improving the performance, professionalism and competitiveness of companies. The assessment is also based on 2017 financial performance and risk management aspects, GCG implementation, IT utilization, CSR implementation, marketing strategy, corporate communication, human capital development, and leadership aspects of the CEO.
"We thank God, thank you for the appreciation given to our company. Hopefully this appreciation can continue to increase the working spirit of the Partners in running the Company's operations, and always prioritize good corporate governance ”, said Daryono, HITS Corporate Secretary who received an award representing HITS Management who was unable to attend. (osm)