Humpuss Trilogi Maritime Training Center | HITS

Humpuss Trilogi Maritime Training Center

published on : 2016, March 11

Humpuss Trilogi Maritime Training Center (HTMTC) obtained the approval from Directorate General of Sea Transportation on 25 February 2016. The approval is for 5 types of proficiency trainings, those are:


  1. Basic Oil Chemical Tanker (BOCT)
  2. Basic Liquefied Gas Tanker (BLGT)
  3. Advanced Oil Tanker (AOT)
  4. Advanced Chemical Tanker (ACT)
  5. Advanced Liquefied Gas Tanker (ALGT)


We focus to the excellence

  1. Possess the experience instructors and employees
  2. Posses the cozy venue with the university standard
  3. Located in downtown and easy to reach by any other type of public transport (close to the railway and bus station)
  4. Easy to get the temporary  homestay


To be center of excellence toward the trustworthy and high qualified maritime human resources development institution in Indonesia



  1. Conducting specific seafarer’s proficiency training
  2. Strengthening the training center through joint co-operation programs with the relevant parties



Lighthouse for Seafarer



Giving the excellence services



  1. Class NK
  2. TUV Rheinland



  1. MOL LNG Transport Co., Ltd. (Tokyo)
  2. MOL LNG Transport (ASIA) Ltd.
  3. MOL LNG Transport (EUROPE) Ltd.
  4. Asahi Tanker
  5. Humpuss Transportasi Curah
  6. Humpuss Transportasi Kimia
  7. Domestic and overseas shipping companies



PT MCS Internasional

Gedung Granadi 5th floor

Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, Blok X-1, Kav. 8-9



Customer Service:

Humpuss Trilogi Maritime Training Center

c/o Universitas Trilogi 4th floor

Jl. Taman Makam Pahlawan No. 1 Kalibata
