Family Gathering PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. | HITS

Family Gathering PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk.

published on : 2008, August 03

Unity in Harmony is the theme brought up in Family Gathering PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk this year. By having venue at 3 hotels in Lembang such as Putri Gunung Hotel, Mountan Spring and Green Hill Universal Bandung, the program is successfully done. All team building, family and kids activities are centered at Putri Gunung Hotel. Around 600 employees and their family spend their togetherness on 1 - 3 August 2008.

Unity in Harmony can be seen in every moment either when team building is being implemented to sharpen the team harmony or at gala dinner where showing the traditional angklung of Mang Ujo asking all the participants to participate in playing the traditional angklung together. Besides, Angel Kids Idol collaborate with the winner of Indonesia Comedian Academy IV with their pirate drama musical entertain the audience very much.

At the last day before going back to Jakarta, kids are arranged to play at De Ranch Lembang while employee are playing paint ball at Cikole. Finally, the employee and family satisfactorily smile and have a new spirit to commence task at office.

Family Gathering PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk.

published on : 2008, August 03

Unity in Harmony is the theme brought up in Family Gathering PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk this year. By having venue at 3 hotels in Lembang such as Putri Gunung Hotel, Mountan Spring and Green Hill Universal Bandung, the program is successfully done. All team building, family and kids activities are centered at Putri Gunung Hotel. Around 600 employees and their family spend their togetherness on 1 - 3 August 2008.

Unity in Harmony can be seen in every moment either when team building is being implemented to sharpen the team harmony or at gala dinner where showing the traditional angklung of Mang Ujo asking all the participants to participate in playing the traditional angklung together. Besides, Angel Kids Idol collaborate with the winner of Indonesia Comedian Academy IV with their pirate drama musical entertain the audience very much.

At the last day before going back to Jakarta, kids are arranged to play at De Ranch Lembang while employee are playing paint ball at Cikole. Finally, the employee and family satisfactorily smile and have a new spirit to commence task at office.