Gives the scholarship second semester on 2008 | HITS

Gives the scholarship second semester on 2008

published on : 2008, August 13

PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. has been having consistency in giving scholarship to children of crew and staff have good rank in their school in this semester. The scholarship is given on August 13, 2008 by Agus Darjanto, President Director and Junanda P. Syarfuan, Finance and General Adminstration Director to the children witnessed by Corporate Secretary, Human Resources Manager, Crewing and Training Manager.
Those who receive this scholarships are :
1. M. Fauzan Amanullah, son of Fauzyah, Secretary to Technical Ship Management
2. Satrio Agung Laksono, son of Iwan Hendarto, Security
3. Karlina Septiani, daughter of Nasaruddin Mangani, No. 1 Oiler
4. M. Pebry Triandy, son of Yadi Sahidi, staff Contract Adm dan Logistic
5. Winda Dwitasari, daughter of Yadi Sahidi, staff Contract Adm dan Logistic
6. Hasbi Prima, son of Koko Rahmono, Chief Engineer
7. Malvino Pansing, son of Vrasis Pansing, Chief Engineer of Tug Boat

Gives the scholarship second semester on 2008

published on : 2008, August 13

PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. has been having consistency in giving scholarship to children of crew and staff have good rank in their school in this semester. The scholarship is given on August 13, 2008 by Agus Darjanto, President Director and Junanda P. Syarfuan, Finance and General Adminstration Director to the children witnessed by Corporate Secretary, Human Resources Manager, Crewing and Training Manager.
Those who receive this scholarships are :
1. M. Fauzan Amanullah, son of Fauzyah, Secretary to Technical Ship Management
2. Satrio Agung Laksono, son of Iwan Hendarto, Security
3. Karlina Septiani, daughter of Nasaruddin Mangani, No. 1 Oiler
4. M. Pebry Triandy, son of Yadi Sahidi, staff Contract Adm dan Logistic
5. Winda Dwitasari, daughter of Yadi Sahidi, staff Contract Adm dan Logistic
6. Hasbi Prima, son of Koko Rahmono, Chief Engineer
7. Malvino Pansing, son of Vrasis Pansing, Chief Engineer of Tug Boat